When you work with True Tone Media Group to create and distribute promotional/documentary audio features, we take every further step to recreate and redistribute the content for every possible way it can be be presented on digital and broadcast platforms. We call this idea Content Everywhere.
Here are some examples of different ways we placed our content commissioned by Focus Features for the Sparks Brothers movie released in July 2021. These can also be done with materials previously produced for any media.
Client or project branded series, multiple episodes fed weekly. Available “anywhere you get your podcasts” including these popular platforms.
Embeddable players are the simplest ways to share this content on your websites without sending users to another site. No updates are necessary once you insert the html code. Players below from Apple and iheart are two examples that look and operate well on all tested devices.
Radio Special
One hour radio program distributed internationally to promote the film as it rolled out to each territory.
Track-By-Track Commentary
Interview excerpts broken out by song, available on any or all DSPs as a commentary album and playlist that alternates the clips and album tracks.
Commentary Album:
Commentary Playlist:
Spotify Music + Talk
Spotify exclusive content to mix interview clips and film excerpts with complete songs, fully licensed through their platform for listening through their desktop or mobile apps (not for web browsers).
Four unique pieces (4.5 hours of total content) were fed in sync with each podcast episode. Segments can be easily assembled as playlist on any user or artist profile. Click here or the image below to listen to the full features.

Podcast Playlists
Create Spotify playlists of podcast episodes on any user or artist profile, to share them in the correct order. This can also be done as a mix of podcasts and album tracks. Click links to these examples.
Podcast Video
Use audio from episodes as music beds for promo videos to share via Youtube or other social media. Click play below for our rough demo of how this could be done.