Nellie McKay Holiday Playlist

Click play to check out new Nellie McKay radio tracks from Hey Guys, Watch This (Hungry Mouse), released August 25, 2023. List icon on right opens the song list, down arrows download the tracks.

Formats: AAA, Americana, Noncomm, Jazz, Women

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    Nellie McKay “Hey Guys, Watch This” Playlist

    Click play to check out new Nellie McKay radio tracks from Hey Guys, Watch This, released August 25, 2023 on Hungry Mouse.

    Formats: AAA, Americana, Noncomm, Jazz, Women

    Full album playlist led by the suggested radio tracks "The Drinking Song," "Ba Dum Bump" and an FCC clean edit of "The Party Song." Following songs are in track order, and also include the FCC clean versions of "Initiation" and "Make a Wish" not on the physical CD release.

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